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peter brauteseth

19.06.1956 – 16.04.2017


Dear Fellow Rotarians 

It is with a sad heart that I write to inform you of the passing away of our member PETER BRAUTESETH on Easter Sunday.

This larger than life Rotarian never found any task impossible to attempt. Peter’s warm sense of humour and friendly nature endeared him to us all.

His commitment to Rotary and the projects he spearheaded will be remembered and will be carried on by our Club in his memory especially his special devotion to the Gamalakhe Project.

Our deepest sympathy to Sandy and the family. You will be in our thoughts and prayers during this time

President Irene


Born in Port Shepstone 19 June 1956 – the son of a Methodist Minister.

Because my Dad was a minister, I was schooled at various local school around South Africa

Military Service in 1975/6 – Saw sad military action in Angola and South West Africa

Married to Sandy in 1977

Joined Rotaract in 1978, Club President Benoni 1980, District Rep 1981.

First child Kristen, born in April 1983 (now married to Patrick Fenton) Grandson- Jack 19months old!

Joined Roundtable in May/June 1983

Became an entrepreneur in the Construction Industry. Started in January 1984

Second child Gareth in March 1984. (Not married)

From 1984 until 2012, developed from scratch, companies aligned to the construction industry, such as mining in two aggregate quarries, established brick and block making facilities and ready mixed concrete plants, asphalt plant and was involved in the construction of factories, housing, civil engineering infrastructure.

Sold off these assets, over a three year period.

Currently a landlord, hire out the residue of my plant hire fleet and serve on three boards.

Number three of six brothers, 4 of which became Round Tablers, then Lions and then 2 became Rotarians.

I am currently the National President of 41ers of Southern Africa (Old Roundtablers)

Joined Rotary in 1997

Awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship Award in 2001 for International Project Australia/Lesotho

President of Port Shepstone Rotary 2003

Resigned from Rotary in 2012 – Reason, fundamental differences regarding unfair and sad treatment of an elderly, hard working Rotary member, by other unfortunately behaved Rotarian..

Totally committed to:

  • Making a difference in my community
  • encouraging  compatriots to take charge of their lives through literacy and numeracy
  • encouraging all to extend a hand to those less fortunate through programmes and projects
  • encouraging responsible citizenship
  • having fun and enjoying the abovementioned activities
  • enjoying my 4×4 and golf. (I am a Nomads Golfer…not very good but enjoy every minute)
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