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I was born in Escombe in 1937 on St Patricks Day hence the name.

I matriculated in 1954 from Durban Technical College, did national service from 1956 until 1960.

I married Beryl in 1961. Both of us are still going strong.

We have two children, both boys.  Russell is a Chemical Engineer in Calgary, Canada and has two children, both boys.  Malcolm is a sociologist lecturer and UKZN, Pietermaritzburg and has a boy and a girl.

I obtained a BSc (pure Science) degree part time at University of Natal while working in a laboratory.  I learned a bit about construction chemicals and eventually started consulting in this field.  I sold my practice to my partner in 2001 but have continued to consult now and then.

I joined Rotary at Hillcrest in 1994, was President in 1997, DG rep 1998 and Assistant Governor in 2004.  Inter alia I have been treasurer, secretary, and director of community service, vocational service and club service as well as serving on all the committees at one time or another.

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