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Born in Pretoria on the 12 June 1963

Moved to Durban when I was 6 and spent the rest of my life here.

Matriculated at Our Lady of Fatima

Studied Personnel Management at the Natal Technikon

Started my banking career at the old Trust Bank

Married to Mark on 14 July 1990

Amy born on 10 November 1992

Claire born 28 March 2000

Went back to Unisa and studied Pre – Primary education.

Joined St Martins Pre – Primary in July 2002

Resigned at the end of 2010

Looking to become involved in an organisation that makes a difference. Amy is at present a exchange student I felt that this would be a great way to give something back. I feel that time is such a valuable commodity and I do have some more time on my hands. I have also been involved with South African
Guide Dog Association for many years, street collecting and fund raising.

I prefer to work than talk.

Love to read

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